Let’s focus on the job to be done

The purpose of advertising is to connect companies with consumers.  But several things have distracted sales organizations from that purpose:  An increase in competition (both traditional and digital), a decrease in the size and frequency of “transactional” orders, and relentless innovation that demands a lot of time and effort devoted to product training (think traffic and CRM systems, along with search, social, native/content, OTT, streaming, all things digital).

An unintended consequence:  Lots of time focused on process training, leaving too little time to focus on the purpose of advertising, sales, and marketing.

My passion is helping media consultants, sales managers, and marketers get back to their purpose of connecting with companies… and helping those companies connect with consumers.

  • That means approaching prospects and clients in a way that demonstrates our professional value and relevance.
  • It requires understanding more about their world, before asking clients or prospects to understand ours.
  • It demands that we have a base knowledge of trends that are impacting their industry, company, and consumers.
  • It means leading not with the products we sell but leaning into the problems we can help solve.  (Less time pitching assets, more time presenting ideas, insights, and solutions.)
  • It challenges us to move beyond the process of advertising and sales… and get back to the purpose of marketing.

Marketing is more than just reaching eyes and ears.  Done correctly, it’s about reaching hearts and minds.  That goes for the way we help companies connect with consumers, and it is no less true when we’re reaching out to clients and prospects.

Let’s get started.  Just drop me an email and we’ll find a time to connect.